Next Saturday, Feb 28th, from 1pm-6pm, is the second annual Startup Camp Austin!
Last year's Startup Camp Austin was pretty great. A lot has changed since then in the Austin Startup Scene. It's really quite booming. With events like SXSW Accelerator and the CapitalFactory application deadline coming up at the beginning of March, we decided that now was a good time to get together again and talk about the ongoing developments of interest to Austin startups.
There are still a few slots left, so if you'd like to do a presentation, pitch, or demo, or lead a roundtable discussion, sign up on the wiki and I'll save you a slot in the program. Also feel free to just add discussion topics and we can discuss whatever anyone feels like discussing.
Also, please RVSP on the Facebook event so that we know how much food to provide.
I have to say, I'm pretty excited about this camp. The first Startup Camp was kind of scary because we'd never put on an Unconference before and I had just moved back to Austin and started my own startup. I really wanted to help make Austin a great place for startups, but it was just one person's dream. Since then, things have become so exciting! There are lots of events for startups now, from SD2020 to SXSW Accelerator. There are several new experiments in funding going on, including a startup incubator and a startup organized as a coop. Coworking spaces and BarCamps have become hot items, sprouting up in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio as well. So many of my friends have lost or quit their jobs due to the economic turmoil and instead of feeling down about it have decided that now is a great time to start a startup. It's really a very optimistic time for startup entrepreneurs as we see opportunities in every problem.
So if you're currently at a startup, are interested in starting one, or just curious about how things are going in the Austin startup community, come to the ACTLab next Saturday. It's located on the UT Campus in the Communications Building (CMB) on the 4th floor, in Studio 4B. The Communications Building is on the southeast corner of Dean Keaton and Guadalupe, across from Madam Mam's. There's a parking lot right across the street (south of Madam Mam's) which is usually $6 to park all day.
I hope to see you there!